Alpha DaRT Cancer Treatment Wins the Quality “Innovation of Innovations” Award for 2021


Alpha Tau Medical 

16 Feb, 2022, 15:00 IST

JERUSALEMFeb. 16, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Alpha Tau Medical is pleased to announce that its innovative alpha radiation cancer therapy – the Alpha DaRT™ has been awarded the Quality Innovation Award for 2021 in the category of healthcare sector innovations, and in the overall quality innovation competition as the “Innovation of Innovations,” by Laautekeskus Excellence Finland.

A total of 561 innovations participated in the competition in five separate categories, from 18 different countries.  Only the top 25 innovations were recognized with awards or prizes.

Award winners were judged on the basis of 5 different criteria: their novelty value, usability, utilization of learning, filling of unmet customer needs, and effectiveness in addressing current problems. The judges considered Alpha DaRT as most successful in the novelty of using alpha radiation to treat many types of cancer, its potential to fill unmet patient needs in late-stage and radiation-resistant cancer, and for achieving acceptance through a wide-ranging clinical trial program evaluating treatment effectiveness. They granted the Alpha DaRT a double award of the healthcare sector innovations and the overall innovation competition top award of “Innovation of Innovations“. The prize will be awarded by the President of the Republic of Finland.

Alpha Tau CEO, Uzi Sofer, commented, “We are very pleased that our hard work on developing the Alpha DaRT technology, is being awarded as a top innovation. We will continue to expedite the path of making our treatments available to patients suffering from cancer, with focus on those that have few treatment options available, those who experienced relapses of their disease and the ones with a systemic spread of metastases.”

Alpha Tau Chief Technology Officer Ronen Segal added, “Alpha DaRT promises to bring new treatment options for patients in categories of high unmet need such as recurrent, metastatic, and locally advanced cancers. We are delighted by this recognition from our peers.”